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Floral DNA Structure

Holistic Health Coach and Genetic Consultant

​Unlock Your Optimal Health with Personalized DNA Insights.

​Welcome to your journey towards optimal health!


I’m Wendy, by trade I am a professional photographer, after Lyme Disease left me bedbound and hopeless, I became a certified holistic health coach, functional nutrition expert, and genetic practitioner.


As a trusted consultant and referral partner for The DNA Company, I’m here to help you uncover the secrets locked within your DNA to achieve your health goals.


​Don't change,​

 just Bloom!

Clicks for a Cause


Holistic Health &
Functional Nutrition Coach

Take a step towards a healthier and more balanced life. Uncover lifestyle patterns and food sensitivities that may impact your health and wellness.


Achieve optimal wellness and take action towards improving your nutritional well-being with professional guidance.


Your Genetic Blueprint is unique, your healing path should be too!


Discover personalized insights and guidance based on your unique genetic makeup.


Take the step towards understanding your genetic profile and utilizing it to optimize your health and well-being.

Motivational Speaker
Women's Health

Challenging traditional approaches and encouraging women to rethink their perspectives on finding relief in various aspects of their lives.


Inspiring women to explore new possibilities, embrace innovative strategies, and create lasting positive change. 

Calorie Count
Photo Studio
Lyme Disease

Support, guidance, and advocacy for those navigating the challenges of Lyme disease.


Take a proactive step towards finding the resources and assistance you need to manage your condition effectively.


Join our supportive community!

Clicks for a Cause
Professional Photography

 Capturing meaningful moments through photography, individuals can create a lasting impact and raise funds for important causes.


Supporters can engage with the fundraiser, knowing that their participation will make a difference

Clicks for a Cause
Fine Art Boutique

Shopping at the fine art boutique that supports Wendy's professional photography and art therapy project.


Make a meaningful impact through your purchases at the boutique, you can not only acquire beautiful artwork but also contribute to the healing journey of those affected by Lyme disease.

Start with a consult

Need Support?

 7-Day Quest to help you track your body's symptoms
and start your healing journey. 📖✨


My name is Wendy 

For years, my declining health effected my Professional Photography career, my family, my friendships, and kept me from living to my full potential. I struggled with chronic pain, brain fog, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, hair loss, mood issues and more. I was sick but my conventional medical team labeled me as 'normal" or gave me scripts for pharmaceuticals with harmful side effects.


But like you I refused to accept a life of destined poor health as my fate. 


Like you, I believed I was the only one who was going to find the answers to my symptoms. And that mindset pushed me to rethink what relief looked like for me. This launched me on a journey of self-discovery through symptom tracking, food journaling, genetic research, seeking alternative treatments, and continuing my education to truly transform my health and my life as well as my families.


Today, I am optimizing my health through having the knowledge of my genetic risks, nutritional deficiencies, life-style habits and I am helping other discover news ways to ReThink ReLeaf.

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